CVTree3: Composition Vector Tree Version 3
CVTree constructs whole-genome based phylogenetic trees without
sequence alignment by using a Composition Vector (CV) approach. It
was first developed to infer evolutionary relatedness of microbial
organisms and then successfully applied to viruses, chloroplasts, and
fungi. CVTree3 makes comparison with taxonomy and reports tree-branch
monophyleticity from domain to species. Please read the
Online User's Manual

for details.
Ji Qi, Bin Wang, Bailin Hao (2004) Whole proteome prokaryote
phylogeny without sequence alignment: a K-string composition
approach, J Mol Evol, 58: 1 –11
Guanghong Zuo, Bailin Hao (2015) CVTree3 web server for
whole-genome-based and alignment-free prokaryotic phylogeny and
taxonomy, Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 13: 321-331.
Load/Create Project:
Project Number to reload a previously completed
project for checking or changing parameters and re-run. A blank
input creates a new project. A project will be kept for
days after the last run.
A new CVTree server with more than 100,000 inbuilt genomes is online now. Please try it